Thursday, April 17, 2008

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Culinary Arts...

10) You're surrounded by food...yummy!!

9) You get to carry knives and slicers around without having to worry about being arrested!

Cop: Mana pergi amoi? Apasal you bawak pisau dalam kereta?

You: Ermmm...!!??!!

Cop: Ini salah dari segi undang-undang!!!

You: Tapi encik, tak bawak pisau macam mana mau potong ikan?

Cop: You jual ikan kah? Jual ikan pun tak boleh bawak pisau dalam kereta. Macam ada motif mau rompak!!!

You: Tapi.. tapi saya pelajar seni kulinari...

Cop: Ohhhh!! Macam tu...ok, jalan jalan...

8) You may be the next Jamie Oliver, Anthony Bourdain or even Gordon F**&#% Ramsey!!

7) You get to shout the 'F' word all the time to your fellow 'commis'... as in "Where the hell is my FOOD??"

6) You are called a 'Sous Chef' or 'Chef de Cuisine'... instead of a Admin Exec or Sales Exec...

5) The kitchen is the most decorated place in your house.

4) You get to wear a 'chef hat' to work, makes you look taller... :)


3) Your profession belongs to the largest industry in the hospitality and tourism.

2) You can work anywhere in the world; Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, long as there's a kitchen.

1) If you study at Taylor's School of Hospitality and Tourism, rest assured that you're in good hands.

1 comment:

Sen said...

Dude.... This ended up a Taylor's advertisement! I'm sure your good hands will happily accept more nubile young females of the variety too old to be girls, too young to be women.

Let's see how long you keep this blog thing going eh?